support the College of Arts and Sciences Travel Fund
Make a gift of $45 or more to the College of Arts and Sciences Travel Fund by October 31, and get your choice of a tumbler or eagle.
Make a gift without receiving an item here: GIFT ONLY
Part of inspiring well-rounded students is to experience the arts and sciences in a hands-on, real-world fashion. The College of Arts and Sciences Travel Fund helps keep student costs within reason to allow for participation from a variety of students.
Your support will allow the college to bring students on these "value-added" experiences ― education beyond the traditional classroom. In interviewing graduating seniors across many years, they routinely mention such co-curricular experiences as among the most enjoyable and fruitful of their student experience.

Trip to Panama
The College of Arts and Sciences Travel Fund enabled students from Biology and Earth Sciences to participate in a trip to Panama. Students hiked in the rainforest on both the Caribbean and Pacific coasts of Panama, snorkeled in the Pacific near Panama City and in the Caribbean at Bocas del Toro, toured a sustainable permaculture farm on the island of Bastimentos, and visited historic ruins of Panama.

Trip to Belgium and The Netherlands
The College of Arts and Sciences Travel Fund enabled students to participate in an interdisciplinary trip, which included participants from Earth Sciences, Political Science, and Civil and Environmental Engineering. Students participating in the Belgium/Netherlands trip experienced culture, history, art, architecture, and advanced public works systems (Delta Works) at locations including Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the Delta Works in the Netherlands, Antwerp and Ghent.

If you would prefer to make your gift by check, you may do so. Please make your check payable to "TTU Foundation" and include a note indicating your gift designation "Arts and Sciences Travel Fund" and your choice of eagle or tumbler. Send your check to:
Tennessee Technological University
Campus Box 1915
Cookeville, TN 38505
Mailed gifts for this initiative must be received by October 31, 2023.
Your tax-deductible gift will be the amount of your transaction that exceeds the fair market value of the item you receive ($6). One item per $45+ transaction. If you wish to receive more than one of a specific item (e.g., two tumblers), please make separate transactions.